How does it work?

Satellite line-of-sight

Output of the application

  • Subheading: Satellite line-of-sight

Basic displacement information provided by the service is the satellite line-of-sight (LOS), with projected to ground geometry and quality measures per measurement point, in radar geometry.

East-West and Up-Down deformation rates produced by combining data stemming from ascending and descending orbits. Basic displacement information data should be seen as an intermediate product, necessary in order to produce East-West and Up- Down deformation rates.

These two LOS vector components from basic displacement can be used to calculate the east-west and vertical components of movement.

East-West and Up-Down deformation products are useful for general engineers who will find them easier to interpret than LOS measurements. They will also be very useful for highlighting horizontal deformation.

Differences between LiDAR and SAR

LiDAR SAR Weather dependent (blocked by cloud coverage) Continuous coverage (see through clouds) Extremely high-resolution data al...

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Output of the application

Satellite line-of-sight

Basic displacement information provided by the service is the satellite line-of-sight (LOS), with projected to ground geometry and quality measures pe...

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The main source of information for deriving ground motion data are Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data from the ESA Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission. Th...

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The Data

Sentinel 1

Sentinel-1 routinely collects data in three modes: Interferometric Wide Swath (IW), Extra Wide Swath (EW) and Wave (WV). The latter two are used for m...

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About InSAR

Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) is the main technology for space based ground motion measurement. It has been in use for more than 25 ...

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Data Delivery

This service offers analyzed data in powerful yet simple to operate visual mapping application. SILLE enables data analytics, comparison, reporting an...

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Sille uses InSAR satellites

Sille uses European Space Agency Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) satelite Sentinel-1 to gather information. What is InSAR? InSar is...

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