An early warning system

Space based infrastructure monitoring


Elevate Your Project with the Sille.Space Badge:
A New Standard in Safety and Innovation

NEW! Sille.Space Badge

A visible proof of continuous safety & stability from space.

As a valued Sille.Space customer, you'll receive a personalized badge to showcase on your marketing & sales materials, website, investment proposals, and even on-site at your monitored buildings.

This badge not only verifies the safety and stability of your structures but also establishes you as an innovator in safety

Sille.Space Badge for Your Marketing

Why Choose the
Sille.Space Badge ?

Trust and Credibility

Instill confidence among stakeholders, investors, and occupants.

Marketing Advantage

Differentiate yourself in the real estate market.

Brand Recognition

Increase your project's visibility and market appeal.

Social Proof

Use the badge as social proof across various platforms for added reliability and safety.